International acclaim and Local News

Welcome. On this blog you will find writings and videos on topics of Asia & human rights issues. Please feel free to comment on anything and follow me on Twitter! "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious" - George Orwell - 1984 Praise for our documentary 'Train to Lhasa':- "Great work, this is really cool to see as an outsider. We really see nothing of Tibet" - jamminthedayaway | "Thank you for making this documentary video. The outside world needs to see what China is doing inside Tibet - to Tibetans" - TibetArchive | "By far the best up and close video tour of Potala palace. Enjoyed watching it. Great job." - tnyima | "I look forward to watching the other parts and to the day when such videos can be viewed in the Middle Kingdom without censorship" - Wizenedcompass | "Just can't wait to visit my birth place! I am crying watching this. Thank you for your lovely video" - Yiney86 | "Very informative documentary that definitely shows what China is doing in Tibet - doing to Tibetans" - TibetArchive | "I was completely captivated by this... i hope to travel to Tibet at some point in the future. Thank you for the amazing look into that area and keeping awareness on this mostly ignored part of the world" - spdybike | "Amazingly real, thank you" - lauriwarmigu | "China is dissolving Tibetan life and culture from every angle. Wow, thank you." - werspansio | " Thank you for this video and it's really sad to see how the Chinese government treats the Tibetans" - adamtashi | Praise for our documentary 'Across the Plateau':- | "Well done and very interesting. I've enjoyed all your documentary parts so far, each one better than the previous one. Congratulations!" - stonetube1000 | "Thank you, these videos filled my eyes with tears and I love my country Tibet. We need more support from the world. Thank you for these beautiful and rare pictures" - adamtashi | "Thank you for making this documentary and for not exposing any Tibetan people you talked to, as you know the consequences" - TibetArchive | "Thank you so much. I felt like I was traveling with you guys and seing all those holy and beautiful places. Thanks for this documentary and your support for Tibet" - 123klpd | "Thank you so much for uploading these amazing videos" - yangphel | "Impressive!" - venuschampagne | "I enjoyed it so much! I'll be going to Tibet and this is very helpful!" - marikojacinto | "Thank you my dear brothers. Your beautiful hard work has contributed to the betterment of humanity and of course helped in attaining equality, justice and respect for basic human rights and cultural freedom. On behalf of all humans who ever lived and will live, I thank you" - Iknowtibet | Praise for our documentary 'Through the Himalayas':- "Thanks for sharing. I will be heading to Nepal and Tibet in October and this series has given me an insight of what to expect" - leimaogowchor | "Great series!! Really enjoyed it! Thank you!" - stonetube1000 | "We're heading to Tibet and Mount Everest base camp next month! We're so happy to see such a detailed video, with lots of good advice along the way. Thanks guys!" - venuschampagne | "Thank you so much. I was able to travel to Tibet sitting right here in my room. My heart breaks for the Tibetan people. Thanks for going and for posting your videos" - Bunten3123 | "Wow what a beautiful world, Tibet. I appreciate both guys who filmed these. You guys are lucky to see Tibet- just hoping one day I will go back to my country, Tibet. Good luck on your journey" - norbu1987 | "Great job guys.... it was beautiful... and you guys are so lucky to see all those holy places.... all the best...thanks for supporting Tibet and keep up the good work..." - 75jampa | "Thanks a lot for a wonderful movie - all my family watched it. It is amazing. Peace and hugs" - rusbolt75 | "Great! Thank you for your courage and your determination in doing this documentary! We Tibetans and friends of Tibet are grateful. Thu je nang and Kadrinche!" - ChoeJhungLhaMola | To watch the acclaimed series online, just CLICK HERE

Thursday, 25 November 2010

dangerous times...

"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
Whether George Orwell quite knew the accuracy of his words, or understood how long they would remain relevant is anyone's guess, but the truth of his most perceptive quote continues to leap out at me from virtually every situation and every news story taking place around the world.

David Cameron's recent, unprecedented delegation to China and the subsequent media attention given to artist and dissident Ai Wei Wei underlined the ongoing issue of human rights and freedom of speech there, but what many forget is that the essence of Orwell's words leak from every pore of the tragic situation in North Korea. The starving millions there unknowingly provide a twisted justification for Kim Jong Il to launch an unprovoked artillery attack on civilians in the South.

A friend in South Korea told me today that she feels 'the west' worries about the recent shelling of those innocent civilians more than the people of S. Korea themselves do - a troubling acceptance due to the flare-ups along the DMZ which have become an unfortunately regular occurrence. The resulting loss of life along the worlds most heavily fortified border more expected these days than ever before..

The South Korean reaction to the sinking of the Cheonan - one of quiet fury - would have been rather difficult for many in the UK to understand - such a vicious and sneaky act which resulted only in condemnation from the respectable west, and infuriatingly empty words from the Chinese.

But at what point do we draw a line under the situation and declare that enough is enough? The toddlers 'running' the North continue to throw stones at their neighbours in an desperate cry for attention - and we limit ourselves by choosing to either reward them, or ignore them - neither of which resolves the issue justly.

How many more must North Korea kill before the international community lives up to their responsibility and actually punishes them for their intolerable and 'belligerent' behaviour?

Kim Jong Il's endless propaganda ensures the people of the North remain unconscious, yet how much provocation must the South endure before they themselves lose their temper?

Unfortunately, with Seoul being within artillery distance of the North itself, the quiet anger of people in the South seems unlikely to increase in volume any time in the near future...

On the BBC:

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